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Soft Bean Curd with Soy Sauce

This is really a simple dish.



  1. 1 block (10cm x 10 cm x 5cm) of soft bean curd (水豆腐), the softer the better
  2. 10 shallots
  3. 2 tablespoon light soy sauce
  4. 1 table spoon dark soy sauce
  5. 5 tablespoon cooking oil
  6. ½ teaspoon salt



  1. Peel the shallots, slice and fry to light brown with the cooking oil. Set aside including the oil.
  2. Boil a pot of water, and when it is boiling, turn down the flame to extremely small, just to maintain the temperature but not boiling, soak the whole bean curd block in the water to heat it up.  (important not to boil, as it might break up the bean curd).  5 mins will be sufficient.
  3. Remove the bean curd, drain dry and place on a plate.  Rub the salt on the surface.  
  4. Put the fried shallots on top of the bean curd, pour in the remaining oil, and pour in the light and dark soy sauce.
  5. Serve hot.

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4 Responses

  1. Nat says:

    That looks like a good idea to try for a vegetarian recipe

  2. editor says:

    You may also steam the bean curd instead of boiling, but use low steam for 5 mins, do not overcook the bean curd. Drain away the water as bean curd may release some water during steaming.

  3. baby says:

    why the softer the better?

  4. editor says:

    It really up to individual preference. This dish was meant to be scooped with spoon onto rice, with some of the gravy, hence it should be soft. You can even use tou hua 豆花 (without the sugar syrup) for this dish.

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